Welcome to my really really really awesome webpage! :) I have put some nice BG music, enable autoplay and refresh if you want it!
This website was actually in the works in 24th of December 2023, in Christmas! WOW! It was registered at October 21st 2023 and is, really, really, REALLY awesome! :D I had a past neocities website that was for myself (this one is for myself, the other one that there it was used to be hosted in is now like a archive of someone's OC) but unfortunately there's no archives of it except a screenshot (that is lost) and a under construction archive :/
Hello! I'm StackingBooks on most websites except WZS (stackerwacker), Reddit (stackerwacked) and X (stackerwacked). I like to code in HTML, CSS, Roblox (Luau) and I'm trying to learn Python. I also own a website called Brickarcadium (the domain is about to expire in like 3 months uh oh). Also try out my ROBLOX game if you want to: Ore Mining Thing.
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